Hermitage Retreats
Care for the Soul
How do we nurture the Spiritual in the midst of our daily routine? This retreat offers participants a quiet and reflective space away from the busy nature of daily life. A variety of input, prayer experiences, spiritual accompaniment and silence is offered during the retreat. This retreat is an ideal place to start if you have never experienced a silent retreat. The Eucharist is celebrated on the final day of this retreat.
Contact: John Hickey | john.hickey@marists.org.au
Care for the Soul - Gift of the Mystic Within
This is a guided silent retreat with accompaniment and daily Eucharist. It would be an advantage to have previously experienced a silent retreat though this is not essential. There will be daily input and a variety of prayer experiences. The writings of some of the mystics will be explored during the retreat. Much of the final day is unstructured to allow participants the space to consider what has been offered during the retreat time.
Contact: John Hickey | john.hickey@marists.org.au
Spring – See, the Lord is doing a New Thing
Ahh! Spring in the Highlands and there are signs of new life everywhere. Through quality input, reflective walks through the beautiful grounds, a variety of prayer experiences and the offer of Spiritual Accompaniment, this retreat provides an environment in which to ponder the hope that springs from
new life.
Contact: John Hickey | john.hickey@marists.org.au
Easter at the hermitage
An opportunity to experience the Easter Tridium in the quietness of the Hermitage grounds with low key Easter ceremonies on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Saturday Vigil. This is an experience that offers silence during the day and gentle spiritual conversation over dinner in the evening.
Contact: John Hickey | john.hickey@marists.org.au
The Full Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius Loyola
St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises are based on his experience of God in prayer. Ignatius noticed that his mind and heart were moved when bringing himself before God and Jesus Christ. He became more aware of a loving and merciful God, who is in all things and in every moment of his life. Ignatius developed a deep personal relationship with God and Jesus, realising that he was a loved sinner who was called to be a companion of Christ. The Exercises are a time-honoured and powerful way for you to deepen your relationship with God.
The 30-day retreat based on the Exercises takes you through the life of Christ, focusing on the desire to respond to God as Jesus did. Through this, you notice both what attracts you and gives you life and what holds you back and drains life. Then, you pray to be free from what restrains you so that you can respond to God’s call.
We are very excited to be able to offer this significant and transformative program for the first time at the Hermitage. Due to the length and nature of the retreat, there is a more detailed application process which will be available once registrations open later this year. In the meantime, if you would like to know more or register an expression of interest, please contact John Hickey directly at the Hermitage.
Contact: John Hickey | john.hickey@marists.org.au
Private Retreats
The Hermitage offers a variety of retreat experiences including those tailored to individual circumstances. If you would like to participate in a personal retreat please contact The Hermitage - Reception on 02 4872 1911 or email bookings@thehermitage.org.au.
Spiritual direction is available during these retreats for those wishing to consider this.
Prices may vary according to retreat requirements. Individual Hermitage Cottages are available for retreatants and a variety of catering packages are available for these retreats.
Contact: bookings@thehermitage.org.au